Tuesday, June 24, 2008

math game - Guess my Three

This is B1's favorite game.  He gets a wicked laugh when he knows he is going to win.  Of course, he is not as happy when he loses ...

Guess My Three

2 player game

to play you need a basic number token set

Each player takes three number tokens, looks at them and places them face down on the table.  They tell the other player the total of their numbers.  The player with the lowest total gets to guess first.

Players take turns guessing one of the other player's numbers.  (eg. do you have a seven?)

When a number is guessed correctly, it must be turned face up.  Remember, there may be more than one of a number, but only one has to be turned over, so you could guess the same number twice.

The winner is the first one to guess all three of the other player's numbers.

variation:  With beginning adders, this could be played with only two tokens.

variation 2: To play with a group, each player guesses the tokens from the person on their right.  (eg. mom guesses boy's, boy guesses dad's, dad guesses mom's, etc.)

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